Saturday, February 16, 2013

Favorite Sources

We can't keep up with everything. When you need a fix of security, privacy, and surveillance news, and we're behind or having published recently, here are a few worthy sources:

Slashdot, especially look at articles tagged yro or securityNetwork World is a good source of real IT security news, but for the more outlandish stuff, you should check Ms. Smith, the Privacy Fanatic. Some of the best and scariest news about exploits and malware come from KrebsOnSecurityBruce Schneier's site has blog entries about security and privacy on a wide variety of topics, and extensive reader commentary. TechNewsWorld  ArsTechnica  CNET's Politics and Law and Technically Incorrect section are good. (Technically Incorrect wins our praise and admiration for best apropos name for online news or commentary.)

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