Monday, February 11, 2013

Various Privacy, ID Theft, Hacks, and Other Stories

Ars Technica has a lot of stuff worth pointing out, so I will.

A hacker, now the subject of a criminal investigation, hacked AOL and/or Yahoo email accounts to expose a lot of what amounts to "aww shucks" stuff, potentially generating a lot of sympathy for the Bush family.
Bush family privacy shattered after e-mails, photos exposed online

I'd never heard of this type of cat before: Porn troll. Porn troll? I presume someone who hounds downloaders of porn for payment for violating copyright laws. The porn trolls sound like they are missing a few screws, because they keep breaking laws and violating decorum of the court in pursuit of their cases.
Judge hints at jail time for porn troll Prenda Law over identity theft
Man charges porn trolling firm Prenda Law with identity theft
Porn trolling case thrown out for "attempted fraud on the court"

The story of Aaron Swartz' attempt at liberating public court system documents from the PACER system is described here. A copy of his FBI file resulting from his actions is posted on his personal web site here.

On the more practical side, if you are concerned about malevolent criminals and hackers stealing your accounts and compromising your computer, and you need to know more about how to protect yourself read Keep it secret, keep it safe: A beginner's guide to Web safety.

Bank executives in the Midwest need to change their passwords.
Data siphoned in Fed reserve hack a “bonanza” for spear phishers

A disgraced scientist had hired a reputation management company to boost his standing in search engines, and minimize the number of articles appearing that described his retracted scientific papers. So someone then made DMCA copyright takedown complaints on the original articles after stealing the text and posting it on their own web site.
Site plagiarizes blog posts, then files DMCA takedown on originals

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