Monday, February 11, 2013

Revenge Porn Purveyor Doesn't See it Coming

Ars Technica reports on a web site operator who makes his money by extorting money from the women posted on his web site. Officially, there is no connection between Craig Brittain, proprietor of IsAnybodyDown, and the "takedown lawyer" who received $250 from each woman who wants her information removed from the site, but one expert says that emails from the supposed lawyer appear to be from Brittain's computer.

What Brittain doesn't see coming are the copyright lawsuits, and possibly invasion of privacy torts, and portrayal in a false light torts. Since some of the women depicted were their own photographers, they own the copyright to the films on the web site. Willful infringement penalties will quickly add up to the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Another danger that Brittain faces is that some of the women may have been under age.

His rationale:  "When asked whether he thought what he was doing was "really sleazy," Brittain offered this: “We live in a really sleazy society.”"

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